Photo-bacterium Agar Broth; Making Media

For this week in lab, the initial process we learned was making a broth that would eventually have the bacterium added to it. We gathered all the materials and prepped 2 sizes of broth to create. The steps were simple as we weighed out each component carefully. The mixture was created then stirred on a hot plate with a stirring rod inside. This was then stored after proper labeling for later use.
On the same day we performed a gram stain this process to me seemed to be one we will use often in lab. We followed the proper steps using heat fix then the 4 steps to staining. The results were the best part in which we saw results in the microscope. This was found to be gram positive.


  1. Excellent posts Baylee! It sounds like you have learned so much already. Great use of photos and you r summaries are very informative.

  2. Nice job Baylee! Those gram stains are really impressive. I enjoy working with you in lab and I am excited to continue our research together.

  3. Cool pictures Baylee! It seems like you are learning a lot from your research project! I like the pictures of the gram stain. That’s a really good picture of a good stain and it shows good technique. I wonder what bacteria you guys are working with. Definitely a gram positive.


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