The week of 10/11 and 10/12, Becca and I filled our 96 well plates with 10 micro liters of salt and 90 micro liters of our TGY with Gobi. After this was done, we had to let the bio film grow for 4-5 days. After the growth the next steps were doing a water wash, the CV, and the acetic acid. The process for the water wash and Crystal Violet is to sling, wash with water, pat dry, and repeat 3 times.
9/14 and 9/15 labs
On 9/14 we did a gram stain on D. Rad. Unfortunately there were not enough cells and we did not heat fix long enough to see any result under the microscope. The cells began to wash away during the process. On 9/15 we decided to reattempt gram staining on P. fluorescens. This time we heat fixed even more so the cells did not wash away. The sample was a bit older coming from August, therefore the cells appeared as debris rather than clumps of cells.
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